For me it depends on the setting and the tone of the campaign I want to play.
I mean, eberron does that. You can have evil followers of good gods and they still receive their powers. And as we know, conceal alignment is a thing. It makes for more interesting detective stories.
I’m also fond of the “strange bedfellows” trope. I mean, I like plots where good characters might need to work with known evil characters/NPCs. Specially if the evil NPCs might have a “good side”. I mean, evil people might have families and friends and be very good to those people while simultaneously slaughter people they don’t care about. So if you get them to bond, it might mean more dramatic when you need to choose between a friend and doing what is good. Or maybe you would try to redeem them?
But as we know, many players just want to “kill some orcs” and that is valid too. XD