True, specifically for a women who prioritizes them instead of her own career and goals. That put everything on hold for him, do most of the domestic chores, give them children, raise those children practically on her own and maybe also contribute to bills while being submisive and compliant. All so he can focus on his own career and hobbies but not having to renounce to having a wife and children.
But that is not that appealing for modern women. In fact, it is so unappealing that they are choosing to go "4B". That is, they are not chasing "bad boys", they are the ones opting out of the dating market. Haven't you heard that women are only 1/3 of the users in dating apps? And that the ones there swipe left? And that they date less but go to university in higher numbers?
Honestly, your discourse is so old, that my mother had to hear the same when she was young. She went to university and got pregnant without being married. Oh, no! The horror! The chaos! Or not, she just got married to my father, who I supposed you would have considered a "bad boy" because he wasn't boring and he was the same age, without a career yet. And over the years, both of them build a live, with both of them having careers and women like you critizicing my mother for being with a "low life" like my father instead of a "high value men" (aka rich) and going to work instead of staying home. But over the years she proved all of them wrong because he has never regretted her choices.
Loyalty doesn't mean boring. Stability over decades doesn't depend on the assets men have now but on many factors. Like the fires in California show, you can't know what you would face in the future. You want women to choose badly for themselves and to be stuck on those bad choices based on fear, not needs, hopes or dreams. Those women need their own careers, their own skills and money. The men who are actually worth it, would understand, because they would see it as a team effort and the team benefit from having two strong members. The "high value" just want attention and be prioritized, even if that hurt the team.
Be honest, many women who followed your advice have written here about how they regret following it. You might want to read it.