What have helped me is to have more supportive friends (and friends in the same situation), laugh about the absurd things that happen while dating. And asume that if someone doesn't answer in one or two days it means "I don't like you", which help me move on.
If the amount of attention they give me is less than I show, then they aren't as interested as I and that makes them a bad choice. Not their fault, but bad idea to continue pursuing. Or being too invested.
Usually is good idea to talk to several men and go on with your life until one starts showing real interest. Meanwhile, you are free to do whatever you please.
Someone who likes you, would be happy if you tell them that you like them. That person would answer in one or two days (or even earlier) because he wants to talk to you. He would make time to go on dates and go to the place you decide for the date (unless is ridiculusly far or expensive) and act on it. If at the begining of a relationshipt they don't do that, they would never do and therefore are a bad choice.
You are on the right track. It is a good idea to be open about your feelings, likes and dislikes. Now you just need to add the idea that "no answer" is an answer = I don't like you that much. And that several dayd between answers means "You are my back up plan" or "I want you hanging". Neither of them are desiderable answers. So simply ditch unless they contact you with something like "I was in the hospital, sorry" or a valid reason for disappearing. And even then, there is a limited number of times someone is allowed to disappear before you reach the conclusion that they aren't in a good place to date.
Once you start "translating" some actions (or lack off, you'll get some peace of mind to go on with your life. Good luck