What I can see in my country (and I think there are more countries like mine) is that it is normalized that both partners work. While that doesn't completely free form earning a wage/providing, it means that the burden is shared. And in sharing the responsability, it becomes easier. Same as if you divide domestic chores. Also, you are not putting "all eggs in the same place". In our economic system, it seems unlikely that men stop needing to work because everyone needs a wage. But that applies to single men, single women and gay couples too.
On the other hand you say "those men who do not take responsibility even for themselves" is the wrong assumption. Not being a provider doesn't mean no responsibilities. Take a traditional woman who is married and has children. She might not be responsible for providing, but she still has a lot of responsabilities. And I think that some men have been quick to like the idea of no providing while ignoring the counterpart. Sure, with feminism you would have more options. If providing is not for you, they you can try to look for a woman that provides for you. But I think it is naive and selfish to think that such women won't expect that you take on the other responsabilities. In patriarchy the assuption that domestic chores, caring and child raising belongs to women, that when people talk about less rigid roles, men who are happy without the presure of providing still assume that is on women too. That is also something that feminist have talked about.
Now, are men able to cook? I'd say yes. Are they able to clean? Also yes. To take care of children? yes. Feminist is not a magical solution that would free us of all responsabilities (I would joke and say that only rich parent can do that XD), but it offer more options. And even in the provider role, lets say that a man is good at something that typically is considered "femenine", well, feminist would allow that men to develop his full potential without being shamed. It won't force to do that, but would let him choose it without shame.
I mean, I'm sure that, as a man, you would have heard other man tell you when you were a boy "don't do that, it is gay/girly". I've heard the girl version "don't do that, it is not femenine". And we hear those things about fairly normal things like climbing a tree or liking whatever normal child stuff. When we grow up, for girls is being called a tomboy. For boys there are many insults. Sissy, pussy, gay, etc. You can't tell me the ones who experience that are being treated well.
If you want to look at the past, you might want to read more historical text, because women worked at the fields while pregnant. And after that they crafted things like pottery or sew clothes. When you study economy, you'll realize that while women were considered second class, that didn't meant not doing physical labour. Even children did physical labour. The way societies organised in the past has a lot to do with who wielded weapons and religions.
And now is similar. After all, at Israel, women also have to do mandatory military service. So why in Israel women do that in Ukrania there are less women soldier? Culture. Unless you think that Israel women are physically different than Ukranian.