While everyone is entitled to their own tastes, I want to point out that many non traditional marriages work perfectly.
And many of those arranged marriages with people from another countries don't work as smoothly as you claim. No, not even with "traditional" women. They can work, but they have their own challenges to overcome.
For example, rusian or ukranian women would ask for material things like jewelry or expensive presents as love proof. That doesn't make them bad, but they do have that expectation. So men who like them should be prepared to spend lots of money on them. And they can be really pasive-aggresive. Since they have been taught that asking directly for the things they want is wrong, they instead use "hints", get angry but won't tell you why, etc.
Catholic have their own set of rules too. They might expect you to go to their church and share religion. For example.
And then, people change. Once those women reach other country, they learn and adapt. Which means that at some point what they want is no longer the same that they wanted. They no longer are satisfied with the marriage and divorce or "trade" husbands. Because they can.
The point is, those marriages/relationships can work, but people would need to work on them too. And if they stop working for one or two people in the relationship, they would break too. Just saying.