While you might believe that women only would date the “devil” (I say this because your focus on the 666. And yes, you wrote 6666, but still), you only need to look at any demographics to see that women are marrying lower incomes and men that don’t fit the 666 profile. And that people marry at 30, 40, 50, 60 or even older.
So your claim is simply false.
As for your claim that “men age like wine, while women like milk”, let's just say that it might be the very reason that you aren’t successful with women. By the way, if it was true, the “MILF” category won’t exist. Then again, some men only value women for looks and think that women’s “prime” is at 16. Usually, women are disgusted by those men, so they aren’t successful with women. Instead of self-reflecting, they make up stories about women having impossible standards even if just a quick look around would show plenty of happy couples of all ages, looks, and incomes. And by the way, also non-heterosexual.
So take a look around you, the weddings, the people who are dating, the ones who remain married. The men aren’t 666. They are normal. But unlike you, they usually are more respectful to their partners. The ones who aren’t would end up breaking up. Women don’t need to be with someone, so for them to be with someone, they should want to. And usually, people don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t respect them. As simple as that.
So let me ask a simple question: Would you be with someone who calls you bad wine? Because you certainly are bitter…