Why do you need to change my mindset? Or the mindset of other women? Why not let us be?
The downfall you talk about can happen to you too. With your new non-feminist mindset. Breakup, unemployment, homelessness, health problems, those things are bound to happen. That is life.
And it happens, for many women, feminism helps to deal with those problems. Maybe it didn’t work for you. But it has worked for me plenty of times. Feminism works for many women. My mother included. Yes, we face challenges as everyone else. And many times feminism has given us the tools to face those problems in a better position.
For example, a breakup when you depend economically on the man you just broke up with means dealing with both feelings and finding a new home, and a job. If you have your own house and income, you only have to deal with the feelings and a moving. And even in a solid relationship where you have sacrificed everything, you can become a widow. Or be replaced by someone younger. Truth is, you never know what would happen. Not as a feminist, not as a traditional woman.
And then you have the sorority part. Knowing that you can count on your female friends, helps to deal with problems too. Because you are not alone.
The truth is that I don’t want to change your mind. What I want (and I thought I was clear enough) is that people who read your post written on absolutes might also read other points of view. And by having different points of view, they can’t make their own choices.
The more points of view people have the more chances that they can make the right choice for them. Otherwise, you might mislead them into thinking that they have no choice when that is not true.
Your reasons for change are yours. Some women experience the opposite change than you and go from being traditional to becoming feminist. Your experience is not more valid than others. My question stand, why do you need to persuade other women to leave feminism when it is clear it is working for them? Just so there are more marriages and a higher birth rate? That is not the end goal for everyone.