Yes, I read it. I disagree that the women who disagree with certain things do it only because western feminist told them to. And I happen to have listened to some because they upload videos on social media the same way that people in west do.
I'm not celebrating indigenous women who celebrate western values because those values aren't western, they are indigenous values too. That is the point, you are appropiating indigenous values in the name of western feminist. Because in your head, the idea that a young indigenous girl forced to marry an old men grow up to fight against child marriage because she didn't enjoyed such marriage is unconceivable because in your head, only wester women did that. No, it is a similar situation that have had the same outcome not because influce, but because it is not an enjoyable experience for the girls there either.
I'm not dismissing the women who uphold their traditional values and that force child marriage in their daughters to the point of being complicits in things like honor killings. But I'm listening to the women that run away from forced marriages or that after being into one, fight agains it. Those women are as part of their culture as the ones who comply with those traditions. The women who say no more genital mutilation are as part of their culture as the ones who perform the genital mutilation.
The women who comply with those traditions are given a voice, but only about how to live their own lives, not to force their daughters to comply. So with the example of forced marriage, such woman has a right to say "I was happy when my father said I had to marry my older cousin 30 years my elder", but not that it is right to kill her daughter if she refuses to do the same. Well, she can say it, but then when the daughter says she doesn't want to marry and that she wants help so her family doesn't murder her, I can very well say that we should help her.
Again, within a culture, there are usually disenting voices. Those voices belong to the culture as much as the ones who are simply compliant. And in situations where coicing disent means facing violence, some of the women who talk about following traditions might very well doing it because of fear. It is no secret that in some those indigenous cultures there are punishments for the women who disent.
I give you an example: did you know that in my country we never take the husband name? We have two surnames, the father's and the mother's. Yet, I'm guessing that if a woman from my country refuses to take her husband name, you would claim that is was because western feminism. Because you appropiate feminism from other countries as western when in fact, feminism is the logical consequence of considering women people and that is why appear in all societies even if it takes different forms. Hell, in some ways, US feminism is behind european or LATAM feminism. We do have paid maternal leave to begin with. and we get to keep our names.
When you insist that listening to the indigenous feminist is only paying attention to the ones who "accept western values" is the same that saying that any culture that think that murder is wrong just say it because they have "wester values". And a proof that you haven't listened to indigenous women at all. Otherwise you'll realize that it is their own values what make them reach their ideas.
Again, it is indigenous feminist the ones who lead the fight against forced child marriage because they are the ones who are experiencing it the most. While western feminist are focusing on equal pay and abortion because the cases of forced child marriage in the west are few and still legal for some reason. And Indian feminist focus also on the problems with caste, since they suffer it, while western feminist doesn't even think about it. Different takes on feminism depending on the culture and circunstances. Which you would realize if you bothered to listen to them. They aren't saying the same, even if the botom line is still that women are people.