You and most men aren't associated with them, just used by them. I mean, there was perfectly decent and nice male teachers. We do know that the predators are few.
The thing is that since for you is unthinkable, you tend to assume that other men are like you. And most of the time you'll be right. But the predator use that to "hide" and be protected by other men. Since you can't imagine a grown man saying sexual comments to girls or grabing their asses, the natural reaction is try to "explain" it as other thing. As a result, the predator is hidden and protected.
When so many women tell stories like this and tell you that the first time they had to dealt with cat calling or someone grabbing their asses as young as that, they are not exagerating. Predators seek out children and situations where they can get away with it.
I get it, you are thinking 17-18 because you are thinking of a normal man who might be mistaken and think that the girl is older. Wrong. The "fist experience" is usually a predator that do know that is a girl, that looks as a child and is turn on by child. It is a deviant, not a normal man. And that is why you can't understand or imagine why they would do it. Because you are not.
But for us is so common that by the time you are 13 or 14, you are already used to "low level" harashment by our peers and some older guys around 18-24. After all, the 15-16 year old that see 20 something men doing it to 18-24 women, would copy and do it to the girls in his class or with yourger students. I'm afraid but it is the "boys would be boys". the ones who do it, don't wait until they are 18 to start doing it. They don't behave perfectly until then. They start at teenagers with the ones they perceive weaker, that is, the younger girls.
So my suggestion, look at the stats and listen to the stories. They might give you an insight about why many girls experience that even if many boys and men don't do it anymore.