You can have money and still be liberal. I mean, it is a matter of values and preferences.
Some people value to have money and a hyerarchical society where they should be granted some status. Other people value more to live free, that people around them have access to healthcare, education and other basics needs covered. To be able to take a walk in a park and so on. For that people, paying more taxes might not be ideal, but it still makes sense. It is the price you pay to get all those other things.
Not just that, being progresive makes also economical sense. After all, if you do have a business, your customer base is made by other people in the country. So if they do better, demand for your business would increase. Educated people make better workers. Healthy people also are more productive, etc. Hell, lately Davos is saying that inequality indrance economic growth. It took them a while to realize that. Now they only need to reach the obvius conclusion that paying taxes is one way to fix that. hahaha
And some times republicans end paying more taxes, because they also want a big army and that cost money. Same with roads or any other public service.
Point is, many of those people doesn't understand economics anyway, they just think they do. hahaha