You can say it, but it would still be a lie. Kim Kardashian is happy. The other women who are choosing to be single mother are happy, their children are happy. They regret nothing. But people like you won't accept that truth because it is uncomfortable for you.
You have the wrong premise, that women want hypergamy. But women are people, with different wants and needs. And for many, the hypergamy and the security bag is bullshit. They want a child because the child is what they want. The child is the goal, not the hypergamy or the bag. That is the point.
But you refuse to see it because if you accept that, then, what you have lose value. If you acept that other women have never wanted what you want and basically pass on that, then you haven't bested them. Ouch!
But then again, look at the Kardashians, they don't care about hypergamy or securing bags. They just do their thing unashamed. Deal with it.