You can start at a hospital and become a donnor. Then you can start campaigns for free healthcare for everyone (or at least for children and pregnant women since you consider embrios and phoetuses children). And of course, make sure all children have healthy food and safe homes/schools. Which with mass shootings doesn't happen.
I do believe that you would try an "heroic" try to save children at a shooting. But I don't believe that you would sacrify your life, for example, if a child needs your heart to survive. That is normal and I don't pretend that. I'm just saying because people like you like to make those bold claims without actually thinking what it would look like in real life.
All your post show that you haven't actually thought about what a pregnancy entails. You claim that by describing things that happen in the woman's body while pregnant I'm treating it like an illness, when in fact, I'm just being descriptive. Those things happen. A C-section means cutting a woman, not just her stomach, but the womb too.
Some birth end with fistulas with the intestine, which mean not just permanent pain, but also risk of infection. Yet, you claim that there is no body autonomy involved.
No wonder you need to look the other way at all those things, after all, if you actually think about the consequences, the "price tag" that you want to attach to sex, you might not feel so good about yourself.
Repeating that it is about saving children's live feels better and it would be other who would have to endure the consequences.
I probably have given this a lot more thought than you. You just repeat things without even considering the implications.
So insult me, dismiss my words, or do what you want. But don't claim that you are being compasionate or rational, because it is clear that you are driven by your beliefs and that you want to impose those on others.