So, basically, you disregard evidence and data to repeat consigns. And for better measure, you insult the people who disagree with you. In fact, I see a pattern with conservative men, they call stupid the women who disagree with them and intelligent the women who are compliant and agree with everything they say, regardless of the actual merits of their arguments. XD
You keep making assumptions about “what women want and doesn’t want” backed up by no facts or data and ignoring all the evidence on the contrary. Specifically, all the women who say that they want those jobs and that apply to get them.
Why exactly have you decided that those women are not interested in getting a job? I guess that for the same reason you decided that I should have an humanities background: it was convenient to not address the actual points or the possibility that you are wrong.
Depending on time and country, women make between 20% and 37% of tech workers. And that is regardless all the obstacles and extra difficulties people like you put on their way. Like not showing them the ads for those jobs so they can’t even apply or have to do active search. That means that those women are way more committed and interested in those jobs than the men who just happen to see the ads because someone targeted them even if they have show no interest previously.
And the same could be said about other industries. We keep seeing men like you making emotional claims and try to persuade us that “we don’t really want freedom and choice”. Not that different from the reasons they used to give for denying the vote:
Yet, whenever we offer choice and remove obstacles, women keep choosing to the things that we supposedly didn’t wanted. Now we vote and work outside the home and go into the jobs that according you, we weren’t interested in.
So based on the lack of evidences for your assertions and the weakness of your arguments, I would say that the ones promoting an ideology are the ones like you. After all, if you were right, you wouldn’t need to defend discrimination for women in job ads or any other place. We would have never found out that the ads didn’t show to us or other forms of discrimination because we would be at the kitchen making sandwiches.
But here we are, on a discussion where a man who didn’t know us or even bother to make 30 seconds google searches, claim that women didn’t want the jobs they are applying for and deciding that our “ideology” must be stupid because it contradicts his beliefs. That is quite emotional and illogical.
Let's face it, given free choices, less and less women are choosing staying at home or “caring” jobs and more women are choosing the better paid jobs. And that even if they aren’t told about the open positions. Even if they are not encouraged to take the right studies for them. Even if they find harassment once they got them and many other setbacks that men won’t have to face. Even with all that, they keep trying and joining those professions.
No wonder that you are afraid of what would happen if the obstacles for women are removed. Who knows? you might be forced to make your own sandwich. The horror! hahaha