Your arguments are conservative, regardless how you classify yourself.
In fact, I haven’t read a single original thought from you. Just the same old “a woman couldn’t possibly ever be strong and do well on her own”. And you use the same condescending tone that conservatives use. Sorry, but “not being feminist” doesn’t make you a “radical” or independent thinker. Hell you almost quote word by word what the conservative leaders say. Let me guess “men and women are equal on dignity and respect, but different and complementary” → That is the pope. The “hive mind”? That are the anti feminist men. Not a single original thought on your post. Not one.
By the way, if many women agree on feminism is because we share experiences, If we were “sheep mindedness grouping” like you claim, we would be submissive/conservative/the perfect housewives, since most grampas and grandmas are. Or your illogical and contradictory arguments would work. Sadly for you, we read you and think about what you say and well, the conclusion that you are saying the exact same thing that conservative men and the answer you get is the same they get: disagreement.
It is quite funny how your “common sense” includes contradictions like “not consider yourself a victim, yet consider yourself weak and in need of a men”. Or are we supposed to consider you the “exception” and while all the other women must be really weak but lying to themselves you are strong while living with a men and submitting to him?
You haven’t show common sense, just told women that they shouldn’t talk about their strength and inspire others to be independent and stop pretending to be less for the sake of men.
You still haven’t offered a single logical and rational argument about why when a woman show is good at something, makes more money than a men or practice sports and a conservative men comes to tell her that she is intimidating in order for her to stop, it is “common sense” to agree with the men and change our ways. Or why is “common sense” to not speak up and remain quiet (except if we are like you and criticize feminism, then we would be allowed to speak. XD).
You might tell yourself that you have common sense, but your arguments tell the opposite. You just repeat consings and aren’t even able to adapt them well to conversation.
To be fair, I don’t consider myself “intimidating”, that is the word conservative men use, not how I see myself. Then again, they use it as a way to say “If you pretend to be less intelligent/make less money/stop practicing karate, I would date you”. I’ve been hearing that for almost 3 decades and I remain quite happy with my choice to ignore the “common sense advice”. I’d say you are the one who would brainwash us into being submissive if you could.
Just be honest, why are you that annoyed about women telling others about their successes? About their preference to being single than be less that they could to get a man? If you are happy with your live you could just talk about the bliss that being a submissive housewife is. Or whatever you consider “common sense”, since we are “mind herded” we would follow you mindlessly, right? XDDDD
I’m sorry if you feel offended, hon. But criticizing goes both ways ;)